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Community Engagement


Communities surrounding the power plants are the valuable stakeholders for operations of BPP because they have received both positive and negative impacts throughout the project’s life cycle. Consequently, the community’s acceptance is a significant factor for the project’s sustainability.

BPP has placed great emphasis on building community engagements and listening to their opinions since the project’s feasibility study gets started in order to collect comments and concerns from the communities, using them for engineering designs and reducing any impacts likely arising, inclusion of determining the monitoring and preventive measures during the project’s construction and operational stages.  In addition, BPP has used opinions received from the community engagement to improve its operations and support the sustainable development corresponding to the local needs.

Management Approach

BPP determines to conduct a Social Baseline Study in the areas according to the international standards so as to understand economic and social conditions in the project’s area. It also sets up practice guidelines for creating community engagements and applying them as seen appropriated for each area.

BPP engages with communities through stakeholder’s analytical procedures, dividing involved parties into directly and indirectly affected groups, as well as beneficiaries since a commencement of a feasibility study. The aim is to listen to opinions and concerns from the communities. Such opinions and concerns are used for designing the projects and establishing proper measures to mitigate social and environmental impacts for each area. Generally, the project’s stakeholders are classified based on the impact levels resulting from project operations.

A distinguishment, however, may be different from local conditions and applicable laws of each country, for example:

  1. Communities living in the project area are those staying in the project’s zones and necessarily being relocated. They are the most affected people at the project’s beginning stage since the relocation has an impact on the community’s traditional living and possibly affects their occupations, cultures, and traditions, etc.  As such, making understanding and well planning for relocations as well as supporting the communities for their best benefits with minimal effects, is a must. The unwilling relocation is avoidable and challenging for the project accomplishment.
  2. Communities located closest to the project are those living adjacent to the project’s areas or five kms away from the project (radius may vary upon each area). These communities are directly affected and in proximity to the project. BPP has considered them as the most affected stakeholders during its operational stage. Consequently, the communities residing closest to the project together with those staying in the project’s areas will be provided the utmost opportunities from the project such as job recruitments and occupational supports, etc.
  3. Communities located in the moderate vicinity of the project are communities living over 5 kms from the project but not exceed 10 kms (radius may vary upon each area) or the communities BPP purchased lands for operating, but do not have to relocate. These communities are directly affected by the project, but less than the first two groups.  Hence, this community group is considered as the moderate affected stakeholders.
  4. Indirectly effected communities are the communities located far away from the project’s areas or those supporting the relocation which may be indirectly affected, for instance, increasing the population and transportation densities. BPP considered these communities as the least affected stakeholders, compared to the first three groups.

BPP has set up a unit with a direct responsibility on engaging with communities in order to develop an operational plan properly for each locality, covering a vulnerable group, such as persons unable to protect their rights or have no freedom to make decisions on effects they may receive, such as children, the elderly, migrants and indigenous groups.

Since the CHP plants in China, namely Luannan, Zhengding and Zouping are located in the industrial and urban areas to generate power, steam and chilled water for industrial factories and communities, BPP collaborates with customers, business partners, the government sector and neighboring companies in engaging with the community. In addition, the community is one of the important customers purchasing heat from these power plants during the winter season. As a result, the power plants must operate according to the community’s expectations, while their operations have been improved so as to be able to operate stably and supply quality heat consistently, being flexible to community needs.
Temple I & II gas-fired power plants located in Texas State in the U.S., are stationing far away from the community. The two power plants use treated water from the community for their operations in order to achieve maximum utilization of water resources and to reduce the natural water extraction used in the production process.



  • No significant complaints from the community.
  • No business disruptions resulted from the community’s grievances.


Key Activities and Projects


Document Download

Community Development Policy

Stakeholder Engagement Standard

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