Performance Overview
Greener & Smarter
- Total power generation capacity COD 3,534 MWe
– Thermal power generation 3,247 MWe
– Renewable power generation 287 MWe - Availability Factor (AF)
– Combined heat and power plant 95.98%
– Combine cycle gas turbine power plant 82.68% - Invest in Temple II combine cycle gas turbine power plant with 755 MW increasing competitive advantage in power merchant market.
- Study and invest in energy technology and decarbonization technology such as Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), energy trading, battery and energy management solutions.
- No environmental, social and governance incidences.
- Ranked as one of companies bestowed the “Excellence CG Scoring”, assessed by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD).
- Having been a member of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC).
- The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity 0.469 tonnes CO2e/MWh.
- The water consumption intensity 0.958 cubic meters/MWh.
- Energy intensity 2.30 GJ/MWh.
- The sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions intensity 0.0119 tonnes/GWh.
- The oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions intensity 0.0323 tonnes/GWh.
- The particulate matters (PM) emissions intensity 0.0124 tonnes/GWh.
- Zero major incident and illness caused by work.
- Zero Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) in employee and contractor.
- Average training hours 50 hours/person.
- Banpu Heart score
- 87% in Thailand.
- 91% in China.