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Social Responsibility Activities


The Company adheres the business credo that “An industry will be strong only when it is developed in tandem with social and environmental responsibility”. We aim to support the organizations, projects or activities that help to improve the quality of community life and create benefit for society related with our business operations as well as other activities that are not related directly to our operations.

Management Approach

With a goal to create the highest value for the society, the Company has determined the operational framework under the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy covering the organizations, projects or activities in the following areas:

  1. Education: Contributions to individuals, schools, universities or other organizations or projects that promote sustain and increase individual or collective knowledge of specific areas of study, skills and expertise
  2. Health: Contributions to hospitals, health trusts, and other health related organizations or activities that prevent or relieve sickness, disease or human suffering, as well as promoting health and healthy lifestyles
  3. Economic Development: Contributions to organizations or activities that promote economic development, such as the programs that aim to develop potentials in community income or job creation projects
  4. Environment: Contributions to projects or organizations that advance environmental protection or conservation e.g. through conservation of flora or fauna
  5. Arts and Culture: Contributions to organizations or activities that promote or protect heritage or tradition of a local community or national history
  6. Social Welfare: Support to organizations or activities that promote or address the interests of those in need in society and facing hardship by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or another disadvantage
  7. Emergency Relief: Contributions to disaster relief efforts

In addition, the Company shall not contribute to the organizations, projects or activities that:

  • Do not support any political parties
  • Do not comply with law or are immoral, unethical or non-transparent
  • Do not respect or preserve nation or religion
  • Are in conflict with the Company’s Code of Conduct


Key Activities and Projects


Document Download

Corporate Philanthropy Policy

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