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Climate change impact is an important factor, making the situation of water-related risks become more severe in the future. It also poses a risk in power generation as water is an important factor for thermal power plants, where water is used in the power production process, such as generating steam in a boiler, controlling temperatures in a cooling system and air quality.

The efficient management of water resources used in the production process and discharged water qualitatively and quantitatively, will help reduce the impacts on communities and the environment from water scarcity and quality. It also mitigates BPP’s risks related to production costs, compliance with applicable laws, and community relations.

Management Approach

As the sources of water for steam production of CHP plants in China are from groundwater and water purchased from external manufacturers, the water management is focused on recycling water as much as possible in order to decrease the amount of water discharges and released water quality to comply with applicable laws. The target on water consumption intensity per unit of products has been set not over 0.868 cubic meters/MWh/year between 2021 to 2025. Meanwhile, the quality of discharged water in all operating areas must meet the standards set by laws. Activities carried out under BPP’s water management policy include:

  • Managing water consumption with the maximum benefit and looking for opportunities to reduce water consumption, and reuse or recycle the water.
  • Improving the discharged water quality in accordance with the standards specified by laws and developing measures to prevent chemical leakages and contaminations at its original sources.
  • Implementing a holistic water management to ensure that water resources consumption for operations be in accordance with the righteousness and effectiveness with no effects to stakeholders in the area.
  • Assessing risks associated with water resources and setting up measures and operational practices in the event of any emergency in order to reduce the impact on and the recovery of the area.
  • Developing a surveillance system for both quality and quantity to ensure that water be well managed while the discharged water is compiled with the standards required by laws.
  • Promoting stakeholder’s participation especially the local communities and the research sector in order to conserve water resources, improve water quality and management in the area.


  • Water consumption intensity per unit of products was 0.958 cubic meters/MWh.
    – Combine heat and power plants 0.719 cubic meters/MWh
    – Gas-fired power plants 1.216 cubic meters/MWh
  • The quality of discharged water met the standards set by applicable laws.

Key Activities and Projects

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Water Management Policy




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