Climate change impact is an important factor, making the situation of water-related risks become more severe in the future. It also poses a risk in power generation as water is an important factor for thermal power plants, where water is used in the power production process, such as generating steam in a boiler, controlling temperatures in a cooling system and air quality.
The efficient management of water resources used in the production process and discharged water qualitatively and quantitatively, will help reduce the impacts on communities and the environment from water scarcity and quality. It also mitigates BPP’s risks related to production costs, compliance with applicable laws, and community relations.
As the sources of water for steam production of CHP plants in China are from groundwater and water purchased from external manufacturers, the water management is focused on recycling water as much as possible in order to decrease the amount of water discharges and released water quality to comply with applicable laws. The target on water consumption intensity per unit of products has been set not over 0.868 cubic meters/MWh/year between 2021 to 2025. Meanwhile, the quality of discharged water in all operating areas must meet the standards set by laws. Activities carried out under BPP’s water management policy include:
BPP annually assesses risks related to water shortages from all of its business unit’s locations, with a focus on thermal power plants due to their high demand for water in the production process. BPP uses the WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas (Aqueduct 4.0) _ a program demonstrating categories of areas with water resource risks, in terms of physical, quantity and quality, regulatory & reputational risks, as well as anticipating future risks, as a reference to assess its water-related risks.
The 2023 assessment using data on areas currently faced with water shortage risk and the year 2030 forecast, found that all three CHP plants in China, in which BPP has direct management control, are located in the areas with extremely high risks associated with water resources. As a result, the three CHP plants have made improvements to reduce the amount of water consumption and water discharges to comply with the government’s regulations. Meanwhile, the power plant’s extensions have also installed a recycling system in order to reuse all of their released water. Moreover, Temple I & II power plants in the United States of America also had an overall water resource risk higher with a medium to high risk related to water shortages. The two power plants have installed a water recycling system, helping them be able to reduce water consumption in the area with no discharged water.
According to the joint venture thermal power plants, namely BLCP Power Plant in Thailand and HPC Power Plant in Lao PDR, it was found that BLCP Power Plant has a high risk related to water scarcity as the plant is located on the sea. BLCP Power Plant, therefore, has invested in a construction of the desalination plant, producing fresh water and tap water from seawater through the Reverse Osmosis Seawater Desalination Plant (ROSDP), with a capacity of 1,000 cubic meters/day. The aim is to alleviate the water shortage crisis in the eastern region, producing sufficient water for the people and farmers. Since 2020, the desalination plant has helped in reducing the total amount of fresh water consumed in the area 100%. HPC Power Plant, though having low risks associated with water shortage, the power plant has managed water sources in the area, namely Nam Leuk and Nam Khan water sources. HPC Power Plant, in collaboration with the experts, conducted a study on using models to forecast water balances in the areas, set up indicators for measuring water quantities in various points for surveillance and determining appropriate measures. The sedimentation ponds were constructed within the area to control water quality and to recycle water discharges.
Temple I Gas-fired Power Plant has a 10-acre (approximately 40,000 square meters) water reservoir within the power plant’s area to obtain water recycled from the wastewater treatment plant, serving surrounding communities. This recycled water is the main source of water, reducing wastewater discharges to nearby natural water bodies. It enables the power plant to have enough water for consumption. The cost of recycled water produced is lower than that of groundwater or other water sources.
Temple I Gas-fired Power Plant initially treats the water with a biological methodology through raising fish eating plants and algae as food. Thus, these fish raised help to control the number of algae and the acidity and alkalinity of the water. As a result, it can significantly reduce the amount of chemicals used in water treatment. After that, the water treated is fed into the power plant’s Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD) treatment system to meet quality standards. It can be used in the production process of Temple I Power Plant as well.
Through this holistic water management, Temple I Gas-fired Power Plant has sufficient water reserves, and does not discharge its production’s wastewater into the Texas basin.
Benefits gained from the project
- As using biological methods to treat water, Temple I Power Plant can reduce chemical utilization – Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) for wastewater treatment, in the amount of 200 tonnes / year, or a cost reduction of approximately USD 48,912.
- Decreasing the amount of wastewater discharges of about 1.95 megalitres / year.
- Reducing the impacts from withdrawing natural water resources in the area.
- Creating a good attitude towards the community.