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Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring

Receiving Excellence CG Scoring assessed by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD).

SET ESG Ratings

Having been listed on the Thailand Sustainable Investment Index for the sixth consecutive year with the AAA rating in “SET ESG Ratings” of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

Commended Sustainability Awards

Receiving the Commended Sustainability Awards in the category of listed companies with a market capitalization of THB 30,000-100,000 million, assessed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The award recognizes listed companies with outstanding sustainability performance, robust corporate governance that considers all stakeholders, and a dedication to minimizing negative impacts while creating positive impacts on society and the environment, all of which have contributed to the growth of the Company.

SET Awards 2023

  • Receiving the Outstanding Company Performance Awards assessed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The award was granted to a company with outstanding performance, good corporate governance, and adherence to the regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
  • Receiving the Outstanding CEO Awards assessed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand, which honors a CEO who leads a company to achievements, possesses moral values and visions, and prioritizes sustainability practices.

TRIS Rating

Receiving “A+” credit rating with a “stable” outlook from TRIS Rating.

Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring

Banpu Power Public Company Limited was ranked among the top
296 Listed Companies with Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring,
according to the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed
Companies 2022 (CGR 2022). The assessment was conducted by
the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) with support from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This recognition reflects the Company’s commitment to sustainability and its achievement in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) operations, which contributes to sustainable growth, favorable long-term returns for shareholders, and sustainable value for all stakeholders.

ASEAN Asset Class Publicly Listed Companies

BPP was listed among 234 publicly listed companies from six ASEAN countries, namely Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam, in the category of ASEAN Asset Class Publicly Listed Companies 2021, with scores above 97.50. The ASEAN CG Scorecard initiative has been supported by ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) and Asian Development Bank (ADB), aiming to show recognition and honor publicly listed companies in six ASEAN countries for good corporate governance performance.

Renewal of CAC Membership Certification

In Q4/2022, the Company was recertified for the second term as a member of Thai Private Sector

Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) with a validity period of three years.

Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)

BPP was selected to be one of 170 companies in the 2022 Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) list in the Resources group by the Stock Exchange of Thailand for the 5th consecutive year, reaffirming its continued ESG commitments.

SET Sustainability Excellence Award

BPP received 2022 SET Awards in the “Commended Sustainability
Awards” category under the Sustainability Excellence group. The SET
Awards ceremony was held by the Stock Exchange of Thailand to honor
publicly listed companies and capital market players who have created
quality performance and made made changes in impact and become
exemplary success cases for other organizations. The Commended
Sustainability Awards recognize companies with outstanding
sustainability performance based on good corporate governance, taking into account stakeholder concerns in all dimensions to balance economic growth and social and environmental development.

Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring

Banpu Power Public Company Limited was ranked one of the top 268 Listed Companies with Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring (94%), according to the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2021. The report was developed by The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD), with support from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This indicates the Company’s commitment and achievement in sustainability performance in respect of environment, social and governance (ESG). The commitment results in its sustainable growth and favorable long-term returns and values for investors and all stakeholders.

Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)

On October 4, 2021, Banpu Power has been listed on the Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) 2021 in the Resources group for the 4th consecutive year from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This has demonstrated our continued commitments to operating with ESG.

SET Sustainability Excellence Award

Banpu Power received the Rising Star Sustainability Awards in SET Awards 2021 – Sustainability Excellence with market capitalization of THB 30,000-100,000 million, held by the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Money and Banking Magazine on November 3, 2021. The award is given to listed companies with outstanding performance in conducting business in accordance with sustainable development guidelines.

Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring

Banpu Power Public Company Limited was ranked one of the top 240 Listed Companies with Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring, according to the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies 2020. The report was developed by The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD), with support from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This indicates the Company’s commitment and achievement in sustainability performance in respect of environment, social and governance (ESG). The commitment results in its sustainable growth and favorable long-term returns and values for investors and all stakeholders.

Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)

In 2020, Banpu Power has been listed on Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) for the third consecutive year from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This has demonstrated our continued commitments to environmental, social responsibility and good corporate governance.

Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)

In 2019, Banpu Power Public Company Limited has been included in a list of Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) from the Stock Exchange of Thailand for two consecutive years. This reflects the Company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility, including managing businesses in accordance with the good governance principle in all countries where we continuously operate. It can also ensure confidence among investors and stakeholders in operating the power business sustainably following the Company’s vision.

Certificate of CAC

In 2018, Banpu Power Public Company Limited expressed its intention to combat corruption as part of Thaland’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC). The Company was certified as a CAC member in the third quarter of 2019.

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