The Company recognizes the importance of rights, liberty and equality that every human being deserves equally, which is the fundamental rights to be a human being without discriminations caused from the difference such as genders, races, religions or skin colors. The operation that considers human rights is therefore a part of the sustainability to society. The Company has supported and adhered to both national and international human rights principles including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
Management Approach
To respect human rights and implement it throughout the organization and be communicated covering joint venture and supply chains, the Company has announced Human Rights Policy which covers the Company’s operation and stakeholders through the supply chain such as suppliers, business partner, etc. The approaches are as follows:
- Respect human rights in accordance with national and international human rights principles and standards
- Develop operational controller to ensure that all employees and stakeholders are entitled to a fair treatment such as recruiting employees from their qualification and experience without limiting other unrelated qualifications, providing a fair performance evaluation system, providing fair welfares and benefits for all employees, etc.
- Comply with local laws, regulation and traditions in regards to child labor, compulsory labor and migrant labor
- Engage with local community including indigenous people to understand the social, culture, environment and economics in order to prevent any negative impacts that may be contributed from our activities
- Strive to regularly conduct human right due diligence including grievance mechanism to identify, prevent and mitigation for adverse human rights impacts
- Develop effective communication channel for all employees, communities and stakeholders to acknowledge on human rights and to raise their concerns
- Develop operational mechanism to ensure that our business or activities are not involved with any human rights violation such as providing clear standard and communicating to employees, performing internal quality assurance review, studying social baseline at the beginning stage, etc.
Key Activities and Projects
Document Download
Human Rights Policy
Banpu Group’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Banpu Group’s Human Rights Due Diligence Manual