Nowadays, biodiversity loss is an ongoing issue, such as the loss of forest areas, the excessive utilization of biological resource ecosystems beyond its balance point, climate change, threats from invasive alien species, and pollution from human activities, etc. BPP is well aware of areas with high biodiversity so that it strives to conduct business with caution and take into account the potential impact from operating the projects in order to avoid, and take preventive actions, as well as minimize the impacts.
Management Approach
BPP has established guidelines for biodiversity management by avoiding the impact on biodiversity in the first place. The process begins with selecting operational zones not affecting areas with high biodiversity. We are committed to conducting biodiversity operations as following:
- Avoid implementing projects in areas with high biodiversity.
- Assessing potential biodiversity impacts in all business units.
- Conducting studies and assessing the biodiversity value in order to collect data and prepare an action plan to reduce the impact before commencing the project.
- Taking into account the biodiversity impacts in every phase of the project, starting from survey, construction, during operation, to project’s expiration period.
- There are no business units operating in the World Heritage area, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected areas, category 1-4, while there is no deforestation.
- BPP is committed to implementing projects creating positive impacts on biodiversity (Net Positive Impact) by using the following management approaches:
- Avoidance: Avoiding conducting activities possibly causing negative impacts to biodiversity.
- Reduce: Reducing unavoidable impacts by setting the operational plan and clear measurements.
- Rehabilitation: Rehabilitating the affected areas.
- Offset: Operating biodiversity projects in compensation of biodiversity effects.
- Engaging stakeholders especially the local communities and academic institutions in order to implement the biodiversity conservation projects.
- Supporting in biodiversity research initiatives.
- Assessing biodiversity in all areas of the business units.
- No production units are located in areas with high biodiversity value.
- No complaints or non-compliance with laws related to biodiversity.
Key Activities and Projects
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Biodiversity Policy