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When Disaster Strikes: Delving into the Critical Role of Power Producers in Ensuring Delivery of Sustainable and Reliable Electricity

When Disaster Strikes: Delving into the Critical Role of Power Producers in Ensuring Delivery of Sustainable and Reliable Electricity

Natural disasters occur worldwide: flooding in Thailand, earthquakes in archipelagic states like Japan, and winter snowstorms in the United States, to name a few. These events not only cause damage to infrastructure and property but also disrupt daily life, putting people at risk of shortage of electricity, which is considered a crucial factor in driving every aspect of life and a key variable in economic development. The delivery of stable and reliable electricity, regardless of the circumstances, is therefore one of the key responsibilities of power generating company to be successfully fulfilled. This ensures that all individuals can carry out their activities smoothly, without interruption.

Mr. Issara Niropas, CEO of Banpu Power Public Company Limited or BPP, stated, “In times of crisis, people’s greatest concern is often electricity shortages. As a power generating company committed to a sustainable world, BPP understands the importance of delivering reliable and uninterrupted electricity. We focus on managing production risks to handle various external factors, ensuring a continuous power supply to communities. We prepare each power plant for quick and efficient emergency response under our business continuity management plan. In times of crisis, we are also ready to support and relief sufferings of local communities in any country where we operate, a testament to our commitment to ESG principles and delivery of quality megawatts.”

Japan: Emergency Power During Disasters

Following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, residents of Aizuwakamatsu were concerned about the power shortages. Banpu Japan K.K. (BJP), a subsidiary of BPP, responded by installing an emergency power supply system at the Nari Aizu Solar Power Plant, using advanced and eco-friendly technology. This system provides a reliable backup energy source for locals during disasters. Additionally, mobile power generation units have been supplied to the communities of Mukawa on Hokkaido, which were struck by an earthquake that led to an island-wide blackout. This setup provides residents with renewable energy both during regular times and in emergencies. This reflects how renewable energy production business is being adapted to disaster-prone areas, with the Company collaborating closely with local leaders and residents in community development efforts.

United States: Uninterrupted Power amid Climate Extremes or During Normal Conditions

In Texas, the Temple I and Temple II Power Plants use advanced combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) technology, which offers high efficiency and low emissions (HELE), as well as stable delivery of electricity. Because of their locations, these twin plants are designed to perform in extreme climates, whether extremely hot summers or extremely cold winters. In February 2021, Texas faced the coldest snowstorm in 30 years, which brought temperatures as low as –18°C and left many people without electricity for heating and blackout for days. This incident reflects the impact of the lack of preparedness and stability in energy delivery in the affected area. To adapt to such extremes, BPP ensures meticulous management of these twin power plants, implementing various measures to maintain efficiency and prepare for emergencies. For example, auxiliary transformer cooler system was installed into the optimal transformers to still allow an increase in electricity generation capacity during peak times in the middle of Texas’s exceptionally hot summers. In winter, to counteract subzero temperatures that can disable water pump stations, BPP has augmented them with a permanent automatic guideway structure. This ensures continuous production of purified water, keeping the power plants’ operational excellence. When a severe tornado damaged some parts of cooling towers and the local grid in May 2024, the power plants’ efficient operations, well-prepared personnel, and contingency plans allowed them to maintain electricity supply while expediting repairs. As a result, the two of BPP’s gas-fired power plants in the US swiftly resumed normal operations through the transmission system, which remains operational. They continue to play a key role in meeting the local electricity demand during both regular and extreme weather conditions.

Thailand: Advancing Stable and Reliable Power Supply

BPP maintains at the high level the efficiency and equivalent availability factor (EAF) of its BLCP Power Plant in Thailand and HPC Power Plant in Lao PDR, helping to secure energy security for society and support uninterrupted social and economic activities in Thailand.

“Guided by our ‘Beyond Megawatts Portfolio’ approach for business growth, we are expanding beyond power generation. We are investing in energy infrastructure and advanced technologies, such as battery energy storage systems (BESS), which store surplus electricity for use in times of need or during shortages. This technology is vital to fostering a sustainable energy ecosystem and supporting a sustainable energy transition,” Mr. Issara explained.

“BPP prioritizes economic and social development, while also being a responsible corporate citizen in every country where we operate. We aim to enhance people’s quality of life and community well-being, ensure stable and reliable electricity, and explore new energy solutions to meet growing electricity demand and evolving energy needs,” he added.


About BPP

Banpu Power Public Company Limited (BPP), an international quality power generating company, is committed to delivering sustainable energy through its aim of “Powering Society with Quality Megawatts.” The Company generates and distributes power in the Asia-Pacific region, including Thailand, Laos, China, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and the U.S. For almost three decades, BPP has been committed to operational excellence to achieve efficient power generation while deploying high-efficiency, low-emissions (HELE) technologies that are safe and environmentally sound.

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